Integration & Developement
The smart metering equipment and particularly the meter has 4 main blocks: Communication interfaces, Protocol, Functional Application (Companion) and Metrology.
Andrea Informatique has invested a lot of effort in innovation, research and development. Presently, Andrea proposes modules and libraries for the 4 blocks above to help meter providers to get low cost and efficient equipment. Andrea Informatique can assist its customers to comply with the market requirements and to be in the market at the right time.
Communication interfaces: Andrea Informatique proposes low cost full soft solutions:
- THUNDER: G3-PLC (Cenelec A and FCC) Full soft solution
- CENTAUR: G3-PLC HYBRID Full soft solution
- HURRICANE: Wi-SUN Modem soft solution
- EAGLE: LoRaWAN Modem soft solution
- M-BUS: Wired and wireless. Soft solution
- EURIDIS: Soft solution
- We provide the hardware reference design with the library.
- Integration of the 3GPP technologies: NBIoT, LTE, GPRS, TCP/IP
Protocol DLMS COSEM: ANDREA Informatique has implemented complete and reliable Toolkits that are DLMS COSEM development platforms to speed up the meter design and implementation. By providing the DLMS COSEM toolkits (Client and Server), we support our customers with this backbone in the design of the smart metering equipment.
Functional Application: Andrea Informatique knows the most important companions in Europe: LINKY (FR), SMETS2 (UK), T5 (SP), FNN (GR), etc and also IDIS, the international companion defined and maintained by the IDIS Association. We have the right skills in assisting our customers in succeeding with this application. We have the IDIS library. The IDIS library can be adapted to any market requirement.
Metrology: Andrea Informatique has the libraries for single phase and polyphase meters in 2 variants: Mono-chip and dual-chip with clear separation of the legal and no-legal relevant parts. These libraries connect by a clear and comprehensive API to the application layer (IDIS).
Certification: We support our customers in the certification process: MID, DLMS, G3-PLC, IDIS, etc. If the customers trust us for the design and implementation of the equipment, we take the commitment to succeed in all the certifications as a part of our technical and commercial offer.
ANDREA’s set of communication modules
Our DLMS COSEM libraries are used worldwide and hundreds of thousands of equipment in now installed on field and working successfully.
ANDREA’s set of tools
ANDREA’s AMI system
ANDREA Informatique and its Products, Tools, Modules and Services can support all actorsin the Smart Metering sector, to help them to succeed in the new challenges to come.
DLMS COSEM Tools & Services are a complete package of products and support to improve the reliability and to reduce project development time, and in consequence, to reduce the costs of your Smart Metering Projects.
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