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Embedded Software

The golden piece of software for the Smart Metering Development


ANDREA Informatique is one of the major actors on the design of Smart Metering equipment in the present market, and has been part of this challenge for the last 15 years, contributing to several complex pilots with meter providers and utilities in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and South America.

ANDREA Informatique has projects going on with several utilities in order to improve their specifications, create prototypes, design conformance test suites and testing the equipment before installation. On the other hand, Andrea has also projects  with meter providers to design innovating products for answering to the requirements of the present market and those of the  years to come.

Within this ecosystem, Andrea Informatique has dedicated significant effort to innovation, research, and development. The company now offers modules and libraries across four key functional blocks—Communication Interfaces, Protocols, Applications (Companion), and Metrology—to accelerate the reliable design of smart meters. These libraries are designed to help meter providers develop cost-effective and efficient equipment. Moreover, Andrea Informatique supports its customers in meeting market requirements and ensuring they are well-positioned in the market at the right time.

Standardization for a Smarter Grid

For the communication interfaces, Andrea Informatique proposes full soft and low-cost solutions:

  • THUNDER: G3-PLC (Cenelec A and FCC) Full soft solution

  • CENTAUR: G3-PLC HYBRID (Cenelec A and FCC) Full soft solution

  • HURRICANE: Wi-SUN Modem soft solution

  • EAGLE: LoRaWAN Modem soft solution

  • M-BUS: Wired and wireless stacks distributed under source code licenses.

  • EURIDIS stacks distributed under source code licenses.

  • NBIoT, LTE,… : Integration with chipsets

Legally Relevant Part and Logic Thread in Pegasus Smart Meter

The Legally Relevant Part and Logic Thread are integral components of the Pegasus smart meter architecture, ensuring the accurate functioning and compliance of the metering system with regulatory standards.

Legally Relevant Part:

This section of the meter is responsible for handling all critical operations related to the measurement and display of energy consumption, ensuring the integrity of legally mandated data. It comprises key modules such as the Display, Metering Thread, and EEPROM/Flash Driver.

  • The Display ensures that the user can view important metering data, while the Metering Thread manages the actual measurement of energy usage, interacting directly with timekeeping functions and the metering hardware.

  • The EEPROM/Flash Driver is responsible for securely writing and storing the meter’s data, even in the event of a power failure, ensuring no loss of critical information.


These elements are tightly coupled with the legally relevant aspects of the meter's functionality, maintaining compliance with international metering standards and ensuring accurate data logging.

Logic Thread:

The Logic Thread represents the brains of the meter, managing all advanced functionalities beyond simple energy measurement. This includes key operations like Time and Tariff Management, Load Profile Logging, Billing, and Disconnector Control.

  • The Time Management and Tariff Management modules ensure accurate timekeeping and the application of the correct energy tariffs based on predefined schedules.

  • The Load Profile logs detailed energy usage over time, which is essential for billing and analytics.

  • Disconnector controls help to remotely manage the power supply, giving utilities the ability to disconnect or reconnect service as required.


In addition, the Logic Thread also handles Event Logging, capturing key events, alarms, and errors for further analysis. This ensures that both meter providers and utilities can monitor the health of the system, diagnose issues, and ensure continued compliance with operational standards.

Together, the Legally Relevant Part and Logic Thread form the core of the Pegasus smart meter’s intelligent functionality, allowing it to not only meet regulatory requirements but also provide advanced features that optimize the management of energy distribution.

pegasus architecture.png

Complete Development Platforms

ANDREA Informatique specializes in the design and manufacturing of a wide range of electronic devices with high-performance communication interfaces. We have the capability to create cost-efficient devices from scratch, ensuring optimal conditions for our customers.

For hardware production, we have established a partnership with a reliable company that operates a high-capacity production facility, capable of manufacturing thousands of units per month.

One notable example of our work is Pegasus, a smart meter developed through years of research and productive collaboration with meter providers, many of whom are now our partners. Together, we tackle the significant challenge of designing reliable and cost-efficient systems for the smart metering sector.

Pegasus is more than just a ready-to-use meter; it serves as a development kit that allows meter providers to test and compare different microcontrollers from various brands, as well as explore different communication techniques. ANDREA Informatique offers comprehensive support in this process, providing guidance in hardware design, implementation, and certification.

Our catalogue includes a variety of communication modules such as NB IoT, LoRa, G3-PLC (Cenelec A and FCC), G3-PLC Hybrid, along with M-BUS (wired and wireless), Euridis, Modbus, and more.

In terms of firmware, ANDREA Informatique helps meter providers achieve reliable and cost-efficient implementations. We have already implemented the most common smart meter companions in Europe, including Linky, SMETS2, IDIS, DSMR, and FNN.

In addition to our DLMS COSEM toolkits and companion modules, we offer metrology libraries for both single-phase and polyphase meters, complete with legal separation features to facilitate the design of cost-efficient meters. Additionally, we provide prepayment libraries that fully comply with STS specifications.

Unlock the Future of
Smart Metering Today!

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